Monday, April 11, 2011

My fetish

Ribbons, yes ribbons, are my fetish.  I am seriously addicted to ribbons.  So, this weekend I hauled by two babies to a store dedicated solely to ribbon.  Rows and rows of ribbon.  I think it's a given that moms can continuously use the word *babies* to describe their children regardless of age, don't you agree?  Anyhow, while my kiddos occupied themselves quietly by pretending that they were spies and the security cameras were lasers, I walked the aisles slowly inspecting each shelf.  It was a treat.  Seriously, like an "anthropoligie" type treat.  It could be worse.

So here are a few of my goodies, which I determined were all from the same supplier.  Funny how your taste just meshes with some companies.  I poured through aisles and aisles and of mismatched ribbon and figured out that every roll I pulled was the same manufacturer.  

I love the thickness of the ribbon and the quality of detail. 

The two above have rows of fuzziness that remind me of a pussy willow.  The symmetry also gives it a post modern feel.  Love it!

File:Pussy willow branch.jpg

You'll see these babies again soon as I combine their gorgeous textures with the ceiling tin pieces in my shop.


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